As a young child being punished as a bed wetter caused me to have neurotic symptoms for as long as I can remember.
Today I'm over sixty seven years of age and for the last forty years Ive used positive thinking as a tool to try to solve the riddle of my neurotic symptoms. And after all of these years I've come to one conclusion, you can't solve the riddle, but, you can face it down. Another thing I've learned is the real hidden enemy is "unforgiveness."
It makes some turn on themselves and self-destruct. It makes some turn on others and cause great destruction to others. My offer of help to others battling and struggling with this hidden enemy is: There is hope and relief if you are willing to learn forgiveness. Not everyone wants to learn forgiveness. I feel blessed and thankful that all of my effort over the years have not been wasted.
I have developed more than one positive thinking quotes over the years, but I believe this one is my "Holy Grail." As always, the positive thinking technique is to take a quote and repeat it to yourself over and over at a minimum of fifty times a day. It helps to repeat it more because the more it is repeated the faster it work. It is not enough to believe and know it works, the repeating process itself is what breaks through to the subconscious.
My life long guaranteed holy grail positive thinking quote is: "I can face and forgive all things,"(optional) through God who strengthens me.
CONCERNING TOURETTE SYNDROME AND OTHER PHOBIA'S:I saw a program on TV the other day on Tourette syndrome and it made me think that disease over in my mind. The first thing in my view is instead of people taking all of these mind altering drug with side effects, I believe my "Holy grail" positive thinking quote offers a superior natural remedy. The working of the mind deal only in images and it doesn't distinguish between a good image or a bad image, it just obeys the strongest command image presented.
The reason may be an unloving environment or any threat to ones survival that causes an emotion to stamp a survival image on ones mind against the will of a weaken ego. The natural reaction of the ego is to resist any unacceptable image, which can be counterproductive, because that is what stamps the unwanted image on the subconscious mind. Therefore, the harder one tries to mentally resist any emotional image the more stronger the image becomes and the mind will obey the strongest command image.
The more one fears he is going to do or say something shocking the more likely that fear will over power his ego and make it happen.Decoded:Fear actually means lack of emotional resistance energy and the more one fears he is going to lose, the harder the mind tries to obey the command image to lose. That is why animals can smell fear and go in for an easy kill. Remember, the emotions are super powerful images, but they can never defeat the ego if the ego calls their bluff. No emotion can force the ego to do anything that it really doesn't want to do.
In childhood when a child is under grave mental or physical threats and abuse the mind will go to extreme lengths to instill emotional images to assure survival under adverse conditions. Another example: We all have heard the term "Animal magnetism or something chemical." Well, in my view, super powerful emotional sexual energy like that comes from some form of childhood sexual abuse.
I haven't studied psychology or anything of the sort, but I have enough common sense to know that things like sexual obsession and sexual projections have to do with childhood sexual abuse. Just count yourself lucky if you have never had to escape from someone abused and cursed with this energy. Once involved for some reason it is extremely hard to get someone like that out of your mind because of their primitive enticing sexual power.
They have the ability to turn one on to a super sexual charged level. Also, most people cursed with this energy tend to be abusers themselves. Because of the power of the mind a molester may start off being in control, but the table can get flipped on him, that is why some accuse their victim of being possessed.
So, when you see a previously well controlled individual completely fall apart in a new relationship, don't be so quick to condemn. There are energy forces out there that only a super strong moral person can resist. When these victims are back in a normal environment without any threats those same powerful emotional images may still be protecting them the same way making them seem weird and abnormal in close contact.
Now, my solution is to deal with the situation in a tandem way. Like I said, the emotions have no real power, except to bluff and put up a facade. So, when confronted by overpowering self-guilt and self-shame all one has to do is call their bluff by facing them head on and in short order they will start fading away, that makes "Facing" the keyword. Now, to the other side of the tandem. To instill a strong healthy ego in a child it is so important for that child to have at least some love and acceptance.
Otherwise, the emotions of fear, shame, and guilt can leave the child vulnerable to all sorts of mental illnesses. There is a world of difference between being the way one wants to be and being the way one really is. So, if one has self images he can't accept for whatever reason, no amount of wishful thinking is going to change that fact. When the ego hates the way one is, the emotions of self-shame and self-guilt can make one feel worthless and unworthy.
Self-shame, self-guilt, and self-hate can destroy the mental self(ego) the same as if someone physical blows one's brains out. In this case, "Forgiveness" is the keyword. Therefore, my positive thinking natural remedy is: "I can face and forgive all things (optional) through God who strengthens me." "I can face and forgive all things." "I can face and forgive all things......
1. It is the only thing that will ease embedded anger and hate.
2. If one has been hurt and mistreated, especially by a friend or loved one, forgiveness may be the only thing that will ease ones raging anger and desire to reject, avenge, destruct, or destroy.
3. There are no greater powers on earth than love and forgiveness.
4. There is no mental condition or problem that love and forgiveness can’t heal.
5. Nothing can mental defeat one that can genuine love and forgive.
6. You can’t change other people but other people will respond to a change in you.
7. It’s a proven fact that the power of positive thinking can change behavior.
8. To acquire genuine joy and happiness it is one of the best tools, but only the truly unselfish will forgive no matter how they are treated in return.
9. To acquire this awesome power, repeat to yourself fifty or more times a day the following "world's most powerful healing quote" whenever and as long as necessary.
“I can wish all people goodwill no matter how they treat me.” Note:To be effective one should never repeat more than one quote at a time during a six month period.
11. Actually wishing all people goodwill even if its not returned is not to please others, but to mentally and emotionally guarantee a bright future for yourself. It is still true that “Attitude determine altitude.” You are how you treat all people including those you have power over when no one else is around. So, If you remain a loving, caring, and forgiving person you will reap those rewards in life.
Forgiveness does not mean that one tolerates abuse or mistreatment in any way. You separate yourself from any abusive situation, then forgive and move on. As a rule the choices we make determines our fate. But, self preservation should always comes first.
Mr. Sirmans for one doesn't believe modern civilization would be where it is today without Christianity. He thinks the main ingredient in Christianity that allows it to advance civilization more than any other religion is its emphasis on forgiveness, and the "Sermon on the mount" message.
It may not seem like much, but without the power of forgiveness, foreign and domestically everyone could still be emphasizing tit for tat, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, regressing back to the stone age. That is what some countries would do if left entirely to themselves.Lastly, I must include a count your bless quote as a stress reliever because of so many people on legal mind altering drugs.
True joy and happiness is determine by how one accepts and appreciate life, not what one have or may not have. The old biblical advice is still true today as it was five thousand years ago. Remember to count your blessings, or never forget to count your blessings. As always the power in positive thinking is in the repeating process itself. Whenever one is feeling down and stressed out, repeat this quote over and over to yourself, "Thank you God for my life, health, and strength, thank you, thank you....
Another good positive quote to repeat to yourself when you just can't seem to make ends meet is, " Thank you God for what I do have, Thank you, thank you...Say it as much and as long as necessary until the storm passes over. This is from the horse's mouth itself. Over the years I've used this quote to get over my darkest hours. There have been times when I've felt totally unlovable with no hope to ever find happiness.
All I knew to do was put one foot in front of the other and go through the motion of living. But, deep down in my soul there was always an unwavering fighting instinct to survive. So far back I can't even remember I instinct knew that if one can refuse to hate he cannot be mentally destroyed. I knew that as long as one can genuine love and forgive someway somehow he would triumph in the end.
you will never see those that can genuine love and forgive in mental wards and stressed out loser with no hope. Enough said, thank you for taking the time to read my work.
Where do practically all U.S. government income and wealth originates, 3 percent or less of the U.S. population can give the correct answer. You will get answers like all kinds of taxes, licenses, fees, tariffs, or whatever, which all will be wrong. Right answer: Directly or indirectly practically all of government income originates from some form of private U.S. business profit, no profit, no dole. It's like a small kid thinking all butter and eggs originates from the grocery store.